Hi! I'm Coach Kristi
From personal experience I understand auto immune disease can drain you financially, physically, mentally, spiritually, leaving you confused on where to start and what to do. My Health Renewed is a christian based platform that helps break through the confusion on where to start in order to get your health back. Through group challenges, weekly videos, a community of support along with the right resources & materials you need to help understand health, we aim to target root causes, recreating healthy habits, learning how to properly detox, fill in the gaps on nutrition and bring back resilient health so that you no longer miss out on life being stuck in a bed, but is given a second chance to relive life with purpose and dreams.
Is Autoimmune Destroying your Mind, Your Body, Your Spirit?
My Health Renewed
Detox what is holding you back from achieving the results you want
Hyper-Nutrition is finding what your nutritional deficiencies are so that you can create a personalized eating regimen that is right for you, feeding yourself back to health.
Resilience conquers all. When our bodies have a strong well functioning immune system, we are able to bounce back, quicker and stronger.
AND OF MOST IMPORTANCE lets continue to grow and learn how to discern the voice of God. With Jesus as our healer, we do not operate out of a spirit of fear, but out of power, love, and sound mind.
FREE Health Journal
Before you begin any journey, you need a map to know how to get to your destination. Receive our free Write the Vision Journal and start mapping your journey today.
A constant exposure to toxins with improper detoxification pathways leads to overload stress on the body. Toxins come in different shapes and forms.
There is physical exposure to the body
Toxic thoughts that hinder progress
Toxic habits that can hinder our spiritual walk.