It’s Time To Show Your Body Love

With one-on-one nutritional counseling nurture your body back to health.




Treating Root Causes 

Here we dive deeper by including functional nutrtional counseling :

  • In-depth health intake form of current and past health history, can direct you to functional lab work if needed. 
  • create a customized program designed for your unique nutritional  needs, through a lens of bio-individuality.  
  • Educate, empower and support you while working to align your health vision with your reality

It’s time to nurture yourself like never before.

Functional Nutritional Counseling

Functional Nutrition Counseling (FNC), views health through a functional lens by acknowledging the body as a whole being treating root causes and not just symptoms.  FNC addresses the imbalances in the body and focuses on restoring health through therapeutic nutrition & lifestyle modifications. It is an integrated & scientific approach to help restore vibrant health and kick back dis-eases.  Whether your dealing with an auto-immune disease, thyroid disorder, digestive issues, looking to rid parasites, slow the aging process, or you have a bucket of signs and symptoms with no answers, we are here to help discover what true health looks like for you walking alongside with you and your health care team on this journey to renewed health..  



Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:

What Is All Included

For best results

  • 6 personalized individual sessions with your own Functional Nutritional Counselor
  • In-depth health intake form of current and past health history, can direct you to functional lab work if needed. 
  • create a customized program designed for your unique nutritional  needs, through a lens of bio-individuality.  
  • Educate, empower and support you while working to align your health vision with your reality
  • Membership to My Health Renewed subscription & community
  • Can reach your FNC with your own personal voxer.

The Path To Healing

What to Expect

  • Increase energy 

  • Improve sleep

  • Hormonal health

  • Help resolve digestive issues

  • Enhance lymphatic drainage 

  • Balance blood sugar levels

  • Rebuild a healthy Immune system

  • Learn how to proper detox, hyper-nutrition, and rebuild resilience

  • Reduce parasites

  • Reduce candida overgrowth

  • Reduce toxic metals

  • Improve Mitochondrial Health

Schedule a free consultation

Your Part to Healing

What I need from you

  • Must have removed Gluten, Dairy, and Sugar out of your diet for at least 3 months. Often times, that solves the problems alone, other times, symptoms show themselves even more so allowing the body to now truly express whats really going on.
  • if you have any current or past lab work, please provide for best results.
  • Willingness to unlearn what you think you know about health, and relearn what health looks like for you
  • Determination over motivation, with a strong will for truth and recovery

Its Time to Take Back Control Over Your Health

Take control over your diagnosis, Instead of letting your diagnosis take control over you. .